Imitation is flattery,
plagiarism and copyright violations aren't.
Thank you for your attention:
All the work on these pages are registered as creative-commons-share.alike-non derivative and non commercial.
This means that you if you like my work and you want to share it on, you're welcome to - use the envelope at the top of each individual posting or tap on the share button which will show you options on how to share on twitter, facebook etc - to print, click on more options and you'll be led to a pdf version.
You are also always welcome to print out copies and share them with friends and colleagues and you have my permission to feed in my articles, via RSS, on to a website or community based platform for language teachers.
Obviously you are expressly given permission to use my blog articles, tips and lesson plans in all lessons whether you earn an income from these or not.
Whenever you read something which inspires you, you have permission to write a similar posting to my own, to continue on my conversation on your own blog however if you do this, please reference my original piece by linking to it appropriately.
However you do not have permission to gazump my work and market it as your own. You do not have permission to take ideas, concepts, lesson plans and other original work -change a handful of items and then have these published in a print journal as your own without specifically referencing my work and my creativity.
Rules regarding sharing my work on the web:
If you want to do this, that is to select core parts of an article in order to share it with your readers then you may but you do not have permission to copy an entire article in its entirety and of course, please do not extract or gazump the principal links of any particular blog posting leaving your readers with no need to visit my own blog: please respect the time and energy that has gone into creating the piece by notifying me and linking back to the original piece.
Also, with any of the above, you can do this AS LONG AS your website or blog is not a COMMERCIAL SITE.
If you're a micro-preneur contact me, explain why you want to use parts of a piece.
(For those running ad-based-websites and aren't actually bloggers - please do not even think about copying my blog postings and pretending you did the work. I have installed protective measures and I will find you - I will report your site.
Any questions:
kalinagoenglishblog |@|googlemail |.| com