
Tech Tips for ELT Trainers-2: Be Brave

While browsing around the net, following one link after and another, I landed up in a Ning group called Classroom 2.0 which I promptly joined as the members there clearly know a lot about the various teaching practices using technology.

One of the pages I visited was a blogger called David Truss who writes a blog called A Pair of Dimes. He has created a beautiful video called the brave new world.

So after my personal-story-rant on why EFL teachers should really start using technology (here) in their classrooms, I thought it’d be fitting to use this as part of the Monday tech-tips series.

He’s agreed to let me post it up here and I really hope you enjoy it as much as I have!

Wasn’t that just great?

Now come on and join those of us producing dynamic lessons, interesting, pedagogically sound materials –there is a shift in education happening today and I do hope you want to be a part of it.

There are a lot of tools and a lot to learn (see article here) so every Monday I’ll add one more tip and we’ll get you there, bit by bit.


  1. Hi Karenne

    Another great post and great video. Thanks, really made my afternoon. I'm off to do a multimedia class tonight on the subject of Canada!

  2. Hi Lindsay,

    I thought you'd like it - David's blog is from your part of the world! Hope your multimedia class was loads of fun, looking forward to hearing more ;-)


  3. You guys are scaring me! I mean, jeepers creepers, is it really necessary to be so so very connected with everything? I mean, I totally see the usefulness of some of these applications and ideas. Others I've given a shot and I'm just not convinced that it's all that useful. Twitter? Delicious? Digg? Maybe I just don't get it. I've got my hands full with just my stupid old blog (and the occasional video lesson of course)...To each his own, no?

  4. Hmmm Nicky,

    You're right -to each his own. It is definitely not necessary to become a master of every single application out there but I do think it is necessary for teachers to get up to speed -a bit, at least.

    Education is changing dramatically and it'll be way, way too late for some if they don't attempt learning a few tricks now. The world's changing whether they like it or not.

    It's kind of like the horseshoe makers in the 1920's. I bet they were saying there was no need for them to change their professions and ways of working too.

    But yes, I agree 100% with you, not all of it is that useful or applicable to teaching - I guess the big thing is to experiment and then keep what you like. It depends so much on what you're doing.

    There are even some teachers who think blogging isn't a good idea - but here we both are rocking on up to the plate!

    I love Delicious though and I use this all the time to refind all those things I would have lost otherwise.

    Just getting to grips with Twitter so can't really say too much yet.

    Thanks for stopping by ;-)


  5. Hi Karenne,
    This is the first time that I've seen the Classroom2.0 version of this video shared... thanks!
    I understand where Nicky is coming from about all the tools, and if I wasn't such a night owl I'd probablyl know half as much as I do. That said, I am hardly an expert and don't pretend to be one. The video was meant only as a story of my personal journey not as a path for others to follow. Using blogs and wikis with my classes transformed me as a teacher and a learner.
    What I know is that since blogging, twitter-ing, delicious-ing and now diigo-ing I've learned more that I ever have before. I'm connected to some amazing educators from around the world and 'we' mentor and help each other in ways that were not possible a few years ago.
    Finally, great idea about sharing your tech tips! I have a less used blog here: and the last 19 posts have links and tools that you can use to share here, if you like. Keep the sharing going... share-and-share-alike!
    All the best to you,
