
Advice for N00BIE bloggers in ELT

Carnival Reminder

Have you got sumthin' to say to all a us 'bout what iz like being a blogger and a' English Language Teacher?

What's the best part?

When you wake up in the morning are you simply buzzing with ideas?

How do you organize these? Is your desk a lost cause of endless stickies with post ideas for next week and for all the weeks leading 'til next Easter?

Or is it harder to find inspiration? How do you get through bloggers' block?

Have you learned any html or css?

Is there anything that really, really gets on your nerves about the companies (or other bloggers) who visit your page? What?!

What's your opinion on blog rolls? Why?

How do you market your posts? What's proven to be most effective, what hasn't?

Have you learned anything interesting about yourself as a teacher, teacher-trainer or author? Has blogging made any kind of impact on your life professionally?

  • Are you an old hand at all this with some fab advice you'd like to share with those newly entering the blogosphere?
  • Are you a mid-lifer facing a blogger's crisis and would like to moan about why this is/ warn the others off or share how much you've grown as a professional?
  • Are you a fresh pup, eager to share a new trick you just learned but wish you'd known 2 months ago when you started?

Write up a post on your own blog, mention that the posting is part of the blog carnival on giving advice to ELT new bloggers (link to this page) and enter it in the blog carnival here.

Important details
Deadline: July 15th
A summary posting of the best advice will be posted up end July/early August.

Can't wait to read it!

(p.s. if this type of blog posting doesn't fit the theme of your own page however you'd still really like to contribute - ask to do a guest-piece for one of the techie+ELT bloggers - the summary will link to both your own blog and the host site's).

Useful link:

Original posting about the blog carnival
- lots of suggestions if you're lacking inspiration ;-) + find out what a blog carnival is.

How it will work
Using the blog carnival program, I will then collate all the postings and create a summary + analysis of the best advice given from English teachers bloggers to English teachers who'd like to set up a blog.

This posting will be sort of similar to the monthly wrap-up postings, (see here and here ). Each entry selected will link back towards the blogger's own blog.


  1. Will do. Have already started writing "How not to make the blogging mistakes I did"

  2. Cool, Alex - really looking forward to it.

  3. You could say I'm a "fresh pup" when it comes to the classroom style blog. I get most of my inspiration from MyEC members. Sometimes they tell me what they want, but I also look at what they're writing on their own "blogs" at MyEC ( It's interesting to me which topics get a bigger response and I think these kinds of interactive blogs can be useful for teachers when planning their in class lessons. Adding a media component doesn't seem to increase the audience (at least not yet).
