
Karenne's EduBlogs Nominations for 2009

We've been asked by Edublogs to submit nominations for the 2009, Edublogs Awards

and mine are... drum roll....

Best of the Blogs

Best individual blogs

Best new blogs

Best group blogs

Best class blogs

Best Blog Posts

Most influential blog posts

Student support

Best student blogs

Best student blogs (written by global students for other global students)

Teacher Support

Best resource sharing blogs & websites

Best educational tech support blogs

Best corporate education blogs


Best individual tweeters

Most influential tweet / series of tweets / tweet based discussion

Best use of specific tools

Best educational use of audio

Best educational use of video / visual blogs/websites

Best educational wikis

Best educational use of a social networking service

Best educational use of a virtual world

Lifetime educators

Lifetime achievement & bloggers



  1. I'm surprised but very honored that you would include me in your list with such amazing bloggers.

    It means a lot, especially coming from someone I admire as much as I do you, and what you you've accomplished through blogging and for blogging.


  2. Dear Karenne,

    I second Barbara's feelings about being included in your nominations list.

    A badge of honour I shall wear with great pride & an incentive to live up to it, in fact!

    Can I put up a badge on my blog already? "Nominated by kalinagoenglish" ?



  3. You're very sweet to mention me, Karenne :). The blog network you've built is incredible, you've got scope and vision, and I'm still picking up new blogs to read from you. So I'm sure you'll win again. I'll defineitely be rooting for you :D

  4. I second everybody's feelings. It is a great honour to be nominated coming from you.

  5. What can I say Karenne... I will tell all students on Monday that you have recommended their projects to your readers worldwide. I am sure they will share my feelings and say a happy big THANK YOU!

    Christina Markoulaki

  6. I've just discovered that my blog is on your list! I'm honored! This is quite an amazing list. Thanks for putting it together!

  7. Thanks Karenne, your mentions are the only thing that saves my blog from becoming totally irrelevant in this age of Twittetters

  8. Thank you Barbara, Darren, Marisa, Anne, Sabrina, Chris, Alex, Markus - am glad to!

  9. Just adding a copy of a note I wrote on Shelly Terrell's blog... as apparently Edublogs want one nomination per category as um, as you can see above, I've nominated much more than 1 per category...

    To be honest, I wouldn't have done this posting at all if I had known that you could only nominate one per category - simply because they are many, many amazing blogs and even this list doesn't do enough justice or shed enough light on their work.

    Also, I don't think it's good for the blogging community to be called to write up one per category (when it comes to the voting they can do this if they wish) but... being a part of a community, means acting for the community so for me it's an honor to call attention to the bloggers I've listed above.


  10. Thank you for the nomination! You have a great list of writers I should have included in mine as well. I think it is so wonderful, though, to have the problem of who to choose because this means there are wonderful educators sharing phenomenal stuff. Too many times I hear that blogging has ruined information because the material is not scholarly. However, I find I learn quite a bit from these wonderful resource sharers! Of course you know I love your blog and that you are up there with the best individual bloggers!

  11. Excellent round-up here Karenne. Thank-you for taking the time to put together your nominations and consolidating some inspirational sources for the rest of us.

    Best wishes from the UK
    Emma x

  12. Hi Karenne,
    thank you for telling me that I'm doing the right thing. It means a lot to me. :-)
    I second Marisa's idea for the badge :-)

  13. I love these edublog nomination posts and I'm glad you broke the one per category rule because they provide so many great links! It was so fun to see the MyEC blogs on the list this year. The network is growing quickly and the learners are leading the way. This month members interviewed each other for the writing challenge and posted their interviews on their own blogs! Don't be surprised if one of them comes looking for you...

  14. Karenne,

    Thanks for the nomination - it was, of course, the Sexy ELT that lead to the She in ELT... and then took a downward plunge with the 'sexiest man in ELT'. How the mighty are fallen :-)


  15. You're very welcome Gav' - what can I say, sometimes in life we really mustn't take life too seriously ;-)

    Let the show go on,

  16. Hi Karenne

    I want to add my thanks to the chorus. It is a honour to be nominated in general, more so if by you. I didn't know about the edublogs awards until only very recently.

  17. Thanks for both the nominations, Karenne (my Teaching in Second Life blog and the SLExperiments team wiki)!

    Regarding the one nomination per category rule, I am with you. Personally, as nice as it probably is to win, I think nominations are worth more.


  18. Dear Karenne,

    What an honour to be here on your nomiation list!!!! Txs.

  19. Hi Karenne,
    thank you for includng me in your list! I'm very flattered. Obviously growing up with 3 sisters has given me the gift of the gab!!

  20. Dearest Karenne,

    Congratulations for all your nominations and even for mine, which happened to be posted in your blog and was inspired by a stimulating conversation we had on Skype, deep into the night!

    Thank you for this opportunity.

    Marisa Constantinides

  21. Coo, a little behind the time here - but as I step up to the.. goddammit lets avoid clichés - as I try to accept the challenge of becoming a better blogger, I've been writing a bit more lately and just notice this trackback. Thank you thank you kind Karenne - you're a gentleman.. umm gentlewoman :)

