
Crowd Wise 7: Building the team

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. 
Indeed it is the only thing that ever has." 
Margaret Mead

Throughout the world we can see - in towns, cities, countries and companies that to create anything of any real value takes much more than one mind and one pair of hands.  We know, intuitively, that the many are hundreds of times smarter than the few.  

But is it easy to find others to collaborate with? 

And once we've found them, how do we transfer off-line team-building skills into an online environment?

Are there specific activities which we can use to help build strong groups which actively work together towards a common goal?

Are you and your e-community working on a collaborative project right now?  What are you doing? How did you find or make the right people to adopt your project and take on important responsibilities?


This posting is part of a series, Crowd Wise, and is, in part, preparation for the swap-shop on web based communities at the IATEFL conference in Harrogate, April 8th, 2010.  Your answers, as brief or as in-depth as you'd like to be, is very much appreciated!  To subscribe to all the posts within this specific series, copy and paste this url:  into your reader.  

Note: if you would like to participate in this conversation anonymously, please do feel free to do so.  Alternatively, if you would like to specifically mention an online educational community when making reference to your experiences, adding your group's name and/or its URL, you are most welcome to!

1 comment:

  1. Yes! We have added 3 voluntary moderators to MyEC this month. These are members who are already active in the community. They each have a special interest that I recognized quite early on. This is a new beginning for us, but we want this to be their section of the club! As they learn how to spot spam, encourage members, and post their own challenges they will also improve their English. I'll keep you posted on how this works out for us. It's pretty amazing to have such a strong sense of trust in humans that you haven't actually met.
