I get asked, every now and then, how are you finding all this great stuff and sharing it?
Some friends and colleagues have an odd feeling that either I am permanently chained to my computer - oh, alright, I am in front of the computer a lot - or I don't go to sleep.
However that's not why I'm able to find things quickly.
It's because of delicious.
Not the pretty cakes in this posting, duh. The bookmarking concept. ;-)
Whenever I'm out and about surfing, whatever it is I am doing whether it's checking out Camper's new online shoe collection, checking my email, researching for themes or ideas in Wikipedia, listening to some CEO talking on TED, visiting one of the forums or groups I like participating in - there's an icon primed and ready, sitting on my firefox toolbar, which I can click to automatically save something into Delicious.
Whenever I come across something I think is worth keeping, or might be worth keeping, I click on the tag button, insert a keyword or two - labels which have a relevancy to me, my life, my business, my professional studies, my classes, lesson ideas, my students' interests and stuff I might be able to blog about later on.
It's an enormously easy system.
Not only can you save all this stuff forever and ever but you can also share what you've saved with other teachers. You can keep some links private.
You can organize and reorganize your tags, add extra tags whenever you want to share something in particular with one person who asks, bundle up stuff into groups and change your mind as often as you change shoes.
You can search within your own or your network's bookmarks without having to try and figure out what you or they "tagged" it as.

Ah, Delicious makes life delicious.
Right, off to go eat some leftover birthday cake.
Some friends and colleagues have an odd feeling that either I am permanently chained to my computer - oh, alright, I am in front of the computer a lot - or I don't go to sleep.
However that's not why I'm able to find things quickly.
It's because of delicious.
Not the pretty cakes in this posting, duh. The bookmarking concept. ;-)

Whenever I come across something I think is worth keeping, or might be worth keeping, I click on the tag button, insert a keyword or two - labels which have a relevancy to me, my life, my business, my professional studies, my classes, lesson ideas, my students' interests and stuff I might be able to blog about later on.
It's an enormously easy system.
Not only can you save all this stuff forever and ever but you can also share what you've saved with other teachers. You can keep some links private.
You can organize and reorganize your tags, add extra tags whenever you want to share something in particular with one person who asks, bundle up stuff into groups and change your mind as often as you change shoes.
You can search within your own or your network's bookmarks without having to try and figure out what you or they "tagged" it as.

Ah, Delicious makes life delicious.
Right, off to go eat some leftover birthday cake.
Useful links:
Commoncraft: social bookmarking (video)
Russell Stannard's explanation of delicious and usage
My workshop on using delicious for ELTAS
My delicious page which you can raid whenever you feel like it!
More techie tips for TEFL teachers:
Raid the business blogs
Watch authentic videos
Using wordle for vocabulary practice
After using delicious for quite a while I was convinced by a colleague to start using diigo instead (which you can syncronize with your delicious account) because of the more social and ahring aspect it has. I must confess, though, I'm having a hard time re-adpting... I like delicious so much!
Cheers from Brazil!
Many thanks for this post, Karenne. I'm now starting to get a deeper knowledge of things I've been coming across lately so this is very helpful. I'll save it to Delicious :-)
the same happened to me ronaldo, i keep on using delicious because though it´s not as nice to look at as diigo, delicious is fantastic