Reasons I don't like most textbooks (7)

They're not about the learners. So, why exactly are 2 billion people learning English? To make their lives "better." And er, what exactly must they do if they are to successfully achieve...

The best laid plans of mice and women...

It is a funny old world, isn't it?Even if you carefully plan something, design a structure and place all the pieces in a line something can come along and knock it all down.The Sexiest Men in ELT was...

Conversations at Christmas

Confession:Christmas is not my favorite holiday.It's my least favorite.To go into all the reasons for that would be dull...I could say I don't like the materialism, am not a big fan of shopping or crowded...

Thnx 4 ur RTs

A rather popular figure in ELT kicked off a rather big discussion two days ago - one which captivated my attention and distracted me from doing a thousand other, much more pressing and urgent, matters.It...

Who is the sexiest man in ELT?

Normally on a Thursday, I post up the She-in-ELT series...Normally at the beginning of a month, I work on producing my monthly wrap-up of the blogosphere...My S-i-E posting for this week didn't arrive...

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