Dogme meets Coca Cola

For anyone whose clicked on over here without really knowing or understanding what dogme is, you might enjoy reading the older posts first (linked above).  For the ELTers, who've heard me rabbit...

Tweet, Tweet: Learn English on Twitter!

Was just trying to gather up a handful of twitter handles to share with my students next week as a useful way for them to follow people on Twitter and actually found this to be quite a difficult task! I've...

Why use Google?

Do you use Google? Well, of course you do! But how often do you use it in the classroom and/or for setting pre and post-task activities?   Are you familiar with all the resources they've got...

Blog break: the footie's calling...

My dear readers, Sorry, but ya kno' every 4 years I gotta go a wee bit nuts.  So, hmm... I won't be around much over the next two weeks, but please do feel free to explore my archives via the menu...

The opposite of love isn't hate, it's indifference

Ever had students say to you they hate(d) English at school? Ever had teachers rise up in protest at all the rapid changes in technology, yelling about how the way they've always worked has always worked? ...

Powerpointing My Office

It goes without saying that any good beginner level (and many elementary) coursebook has a picture appropriately labeled to tell the students what everything is.   If it's aimed at general learners,...

Education has always been political

I bought Mark Pegrum's From Blogs to Bombs the other day, for my own research and deeper reflection into the IATEFL LT-SIG day back in April where he presented via SecondLife.  Right away, in the...

The ELT Blogosphere: May 2010

On Friday 28th, 2010 I came home after a really hard day of teaching to find out, via Twitter, that Kalinago English has been chosen as's #2 Language Teaching blog!   It's truly an honor and...

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