Today when people ask me what I do,
the first thing I say is
Then I might add...
Then, inevitably, one of the people that I'm talking to, in an after-work business suit, will say something like
And yes, well, of course I've gotten some paid writing work based on a lesson I did (Susan Boyle led to Working with Films).
At which point MrBusinessSuit begins to roll his eyes.
But, yeah
I have a topsy-turvey life: my hobby (teaching) pays the bills and my job's a mind adventure.
There's something to it, tho'
There's something to all this work done by so many of us.
Where it's going, who knows...
EduBlogs, who offer various platforms designed specifically for the practice of EduBlogging, list on a banner trailing across their website that there are
for teachers
Useful links
Carnival! (27 bloggers writing on EduBlogging, 2009)
Blogging, chatting, discussions online: (we're still just writing on cave walls)
IATEFL 2011: The ELT blogosphere symposium (call for YOU to join me as a co-presenter)
Recorded Presentation on Edublogging at the Reform Symposium July 31st, 2010
The Guest Posts
Glossary of EduBlogging Terms, Mike Harrison's Blog
Glossary of phrases and expresssions based on the word blog, Sue Lyon Jones's blog
The Dogma of Edublogging, Nick Jaworksi's blog
The Best Kept Secrets of Highly Successful Edubloggers
Part 1 Shelly Terrell's blog
Part 2 Janet Bianchini's blog
Part 3 Berni Wall's blog
Part 4 Monika Hardy's blog
Part 5 Anne Hodgson's blog (coming soon)
Also on its way...
Current Poll
image credit: Artemis blogging, after Rembrandt by MikeLicht
the first thing I say is
I'm an Edu-Blogger.
Then I might add...
I write Kalinago English and on it I discuss issues related to teaching English as a Foreign Language, put up free lessons plans every now and then, I talk about what's going on in my classes, waffle on quite a bit about dogme, do you know what dogme is? I'm most proud of having a running series featuring amazing women in our industry - those are mostly guest posts from other bloggers, and sometimes I rant on about textbooks (not fond of them, me) but quite often I'll show how I use/d a particular computer application/ program or web 2.0 tool in one of my classes.
Then, inevitably, one of the people that I'm talking to, in an after-work business suit, will say something like
So... do you make money from doing that?
and I'll blush and mumble something about how not everything in life has to be about money, you know.
But then, because I have my pride and don't want him to suddenly think that 2010's answer to being a loser is being a blogger, I'll confess, of course, that well, with regard to the moola, it's not so cut and dry, nope there's no income directly, but... thing is, sometimes people do go on to my website from the blog and sometimes they buy my materials there but I tend not to "market" that very often (almost never) so most of the traffic on that particular site actually tends to come from Google, from countries and teachers who are non-native English teachers.
And yes, well, of course I've gotten some paid writing work based on a lesson I did (Susan Boyle led to Working with Films).
At which point MrBusinessSuit begins to roll his eyes.
But, yeah
I have a topsy-turvey life: my hobby (teaching) pays the bills and my job's a mind adventure.
There's something to it, tho'
There's something to all this work done by so many of us.
Where it's going, who knows...
EduBlogs, who offer various platforms designed specifically for the practice of EduBlogging, list on a banner trailing across their website that there are
517, 432
written by teachers,
for teachers
for teacher-trainers
for students
with students.
with students.
To be honest, given this extraordinary figure, it does seem a really good time right now, to sit down, to stop, to take a pause, to look at this really quite astonishing and amazing development.
I've decided to do this, partly on here but also, mainly, by specifically offering guest articles to my fellow Edu-bloggers because it is, in my humble opinion, working with your community that is one of the most, one of the absolutely most essential parts of becoming and being a blogian:
blogging is not just about one person
who says that blogging is
either this or that
but what the wider community,
made up of each
of its individuals,
of its individuals,
says it is.
Blogging, or what I refer to with my own students as the digitization of paper, represents an incredible realizable step towards the democratization of education.
We're on an adventure.
We're on an adventure.
It is teachers who are talking to teachers.
And although this new series is specifically aimed at giving advice to the NewbieBloggers, based on the reading I did before I dipped my toes in, based on the successes and failures I've had along the way, delving into some of my strengths, revealing my own weaknesses ... telling you exactly how I managed to build a blog that gets so many visitors, has won and been nominated for so many awards, reaches an incredible global audience through versions of some articles rewritten for the academic journals in my field - even though I'm just a TEFL teacher and EdTech teacher-trainer, really, who had no "special" personal or professional connections prior to hitting the page.
It is also an invitation to you, those of you who have more experienced voices, to disagree with me, to add your own pennies' worth in the comments on various posts (no zumping the theme tho').
It is an invitation to share your knowledge with your community.
Useful links
Carnival! (27 bloggers writing on EduBlogging, 2009)
Blogging, chatting, discussions online: (we're still just writing on cave walls)
IATEFL 2011: The ELT blogosphere symposium (call for YOU to join me as a co-presenter)
Recorded Presentation on Edublogging at the Reform Symposium July 31st, 2010
The Guest Posts
Glossary of EduBlogging Terms, Mike Harrison's Blog
Glossary of phrases and expresssions based on the word blog, Sue Lyon Jones's blog
The Dogma of Edublogging, Nick Jaworksi's blog
The Best Kept Secrets of Highly Successful Edubloggers
Part 1 Shelly Terrell's blog
Part 2 Janet Bianchini's blog
Part 3 Berni Wall's blog
Part 4 Monika Hardy's blog
Part 5 Anne Hodgson's blog (coming soon)
Also on its way...
- Lords of the Armchair (coming soon, on Jason Renshaw's)
- Comparing EduBlogging platforms (coming soon, on Marisa's Constantinides')
- Blogging with students (Barbara Sakamoto's)
- Blogging tips to share with students (Tara Benwell's)
- Why do Edu-Bloggers quit? (don't know yet, but help me out with this poll...)
Current Poll
image credit: Artemis blogging, after Rembrandt by MikeLicht