Thoughts on being an Edu-blogger

Today when people ask me what I do, the first thing I say is I'm an Edu-Blogger.   Then I might add... I write Kalinago English and on it I discuss issues related to teaching English as...

The ELT Blogosphere, IATEFL Brighton 2011

Major Announcement!!! My proposal to host a symposium at IATEFL, Brighton next year has been accepted!!! This post is actually a call for your papers so that you too can become a part of this event...

Paid 2 Tweet?

It had to happen, didn't it? I mean it's hardly surprising, now is it? Money and the need for money always winds up affecting, tainting everything: .bbpBox{background:url(

Blogging, Chatting & Discussions Online

One of the luckiest things to ever happen in my life was being taught by Professor Hein at MLS in the US. It was his boundless energy, creativity, positivity, dynamism and knowledge which probably most...

A Love Story in TEFL by Nick Jaworski

Their eyes met across the crowded teacher’s room.  She had never seen him before.  He must be a new hire to replace Crazy Steve, she thought,  and boy, was he handsome.  He...

It's a small world, after all : lesson plan challenge!

A friend of mine, Ken Dimmick, wrote this awesome poem which I just know can be turned into an amazing lesson plan.  But I was thinking, 2 heads are better than one... and 20 heads are infinitely...

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