#ttww Twitter Welcome Wednesday - "Guidelines"

this post was updated 29 April 2011  As mentioned at the bottom of a really rather long post regarding the current situation of PLNs or eCoPs, I mentioned that Richard Whiteside of I'd like to...

Calling all Educational Bloggers who're on Blogspot

Turkey has put a ban on Google's Blogspot and our readers there are (temporarily) unable to read our posts. If you're an educational blogger, would you like to join me in circumventing this ruling...

#WW Welcome Wednesday - New Twitter Hashtag + Musings about PLNs

Disclaimer: this post is not so much just about educational social media best-practices but instead a general comment about social networking overall plus a call to help a few fellow twitterites kick...

The History of English

Have you ever wondered where our language came from?  The following poem which  I've been asked to post up so very many times... was done as a pechua kucha at IATEFL 2010.  I hope you'll...

TED videos for Business English, Part III (Motivation)

What gives you your buzz?  Your spark, your joie de vivre? Why do we do the things we do? Do you know?  Sometimes I think I do, sometimes I think I don't.   The other day I had...

What does it mean to "know" a word?

The other day I was in the middle of a conversation with someone... the person I was speaking to suddenly said   "then how do you know if someone knows something or not? The question came because...

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