Dogme and the First Day of a New Class

 Recently, after teaching a group of teachers with another teacher, I had some not-so-great feedback: "The 2nd teacher didn't give us no papers. I didn't learn with her." Despite that she got...

Speed Dating as Vocabulary Review

This fun and useful exercise really works well as a filler or after you've taught a number of lessons and want to check your students have learned the vocabulary taught - either the emerged lexis...

Pocket Money Writing 4 Pearson ELT

The other day, while eating lunch, I asked a fellow teacher what she would do about all this Pearson trouble... what she'd do if she'd just worked for over 400 hours yet after receiving a series of simply...

Learner Autonomy in Language Learning: A Myth?

Does language learning have to be teacher-led in order to work? Is the very concept of learner autonomy simply a very fancy way of describing will-power, and thus, limited to those who have already...

The sin of assumption: motivation in adult learning

I've really been meaning to post up this presentation, done at TESOL Spain earlier this year, and finally have had a chance to run through the slides and update them slightly so that they make sense -...

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