I'm returning to edublogging!

It's been around eleven years since I was last referred to as Queen of the EduELT blogosphere, when Kalinago English had a readership of around a million, but after setting off to study Educational Technology and TESOL at the University of Manchester in 2011, and then Game Design & Development at Futureworks, I just couldn't keep it up.  

I didn't stop writing, but my reflections turned into private affairs, ways for me to keep track of quotes, record insights that would later find their way into essays, and then storyboards for game projects, or images and videos to show tutors, and I never found my way back to my readers - who like me have probably moved on to different lives from that glorious heyday - back when we tweeted in hashtags across timezones, and edublogging was so new and cool: we were a part of a disruptive, collected community, built on making connections all over the world. When we met at international conferences for the first time, we laughed and chatted way into the night as the fierce friends we'd become, and still are, through our posts, way before ever seeing each other's faces.  

I am back now, though, because a burning passion for the page has returned. All summer I've been jotting ideas, trying to keep track of a gazillion thoughts, filling up OneNotes that span across too many different pages, sticky noting project plans into Padlets - that it's become obvious: it's time to write again. For me, for you - or maybe you'll be a brand new audience, but I'm hoping that some from the past will be here too. 

It is a personal blog, it won't have a funky name, and I've decided to keep it within the professional walls of Linkedin where everyone has a name, a purpose, a title. For those you who know what it's like to be digitally trolled you'll get it. You'll no doubt be a much smaller audience, but it will feel more real, and hey, Linkedin's still Google searchable.  

I'll be using the space they provide for the various reflections and insights I now make as I curiously navigate immersive technologies, explore and learn more about extended reality(XR).  This means that I may make mistakes in terminology, or I'll state an idea or criticism, but later change my mind when I know more. Experience from blogging has taught me just how often that can happen. And how wonderful it is when it does. So feel free to correct me, put me in my place, or generally act a guide and mentor, but do please be kind. 

On Linkedin you can find me here - I hope you'll join me there!

Caveat: Although many of the upcoming posts relate to my responsibilities as a learning technologist for the University of Manchester's Humanities eLearning team, supporting academic staff who are making their own new steps in XR or wish to do so, for the most part the trialling of apps, platforms, experiences and courses tend to take place after work or on weekends - this is a hobby, a passion, a calling. It's my play. Therefore be aware that even if I mention UoM in some posts, this is not a communication from the University of Manchester itself and all errors or offences in my statements are my own responsibility. If you have concerns, send a direct message!

See you soon,


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