Working on my appetite for learning, September 09

My monthly summary of the best of the blogosphere is ready to be pulled out of the proverbial oven - so much written this month: in here, out there within the community and right across the entire edu-twitterverse:...

Reasons I don't like coursebooks (1)

crowded pages.Best,Karenne2nd rea...

Any Given Dogma

The title of this posting was first coined by Lindsay Clandfield as Any Given Dogme in reference to his hilarious spoof video (below) of Scott Thornbury, starring Al Pacino. I borrowed it for this post...

Shelly Terrell on Sister Luz Moreno

As a Hispanic American, we would frequently drive to the border and do missionary work in Mexico so I'd like to describe Mexico for those who have only been to the resort areas.Families often live in...

A smart way to use your phone in ELT classrooms: TechTip #12

Whenever I see freelance language teachers still luggin' around great big CD players from in-company site to in-company class... I always pause and wonder why.Because these days, in your pockets, you've...


I rang up my parents the other day to talk through one of those family crisis things that happens to all families and after we were done hashing through all of that, my father exclaimed:"Lawd, girl, you...

What's a TEFL teacher?

These days, now that I'm suddenly connected to educators from all sorts of different fields, located all over the world via various different social-networking sites, I thought I'd left my bubble......

Alex Case on Paula Reynolds

You almost certainly haven’t heard of Paula Reynolds, partly because until she retired she was, to most people, just another of those hard working female teachers busy cutting up packs of cards on coloured...

The A-E-I thing (English as a Second Language Acquisition)

Right.I despair. Have been teaching English for nigh on 15 years. Taught in UK, HK (ran a non-profit there)... was a DOS in Ecuador, write materials and have my own business here.Taught the wee ones.Taught...

Hi English Fans! (Motivation in Adult EFL)

alternative title: UP, DOWN, TOP/BOTTOM, CHANGES & NO CHANGES There have been some rather hot and heavy discussions recently about whether or not it's a good idea to use technology in teaching. And...

Gavin Dudeney's Sexy Redux

She-in-ELT, introIt seems a slight condescension to even consider writing an article like this, despite the fact that it was an original blog posting of mine which kicked off the series.So maybe we should...

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