Why Twitter lists are a good idea

Earlier this week I was beginning to feel the Twitter burn-out as despite the obvious value in being a part of a global learning community, the site is so distracting and time-consuming - often there...

Who's your googlegänger?

Is anyone wandering about the planet with your name?What do they do? Where do they live?Do they have a better job, make more money than you do? Have they written a book, do they lead a football team,...

That rush, that knowledge high

Spenserian vowels that elope with ease,and float along like birds o'er summer seaswho read for me the sonnet swelling loudly,up to its climaxand then dying proudly? KeatsHave you ever paid attention to...

Powerpointing Me -EFL Tech Tip #13

The other day when I was reading Nick Jaworski's blog postings on using the Teacher as the Narrative in EFL classes, I left a comment behind regarding one of my used-a-gazillion-times-first-lessons...The...

Reasons I don't like most textbooks (4)

One size fits all?The reason you can not make the perfect textbook is because our students aren't perfect: they do not fit into boxes or packages.Our students differ in their ages, occupations, wants...

How to be an amazing teacher

It is not rocket science... in fact, it's not science at all. You want the key? Inspire your students. It's not what you know. It's about what they're going to get the chance to know. It's...

Sheila Vine on Valentina Dodge

The female in ELT who has had the most influence on me during the last four or five years is Valentina Dodge. Valentina is to online EFL what chocolate is to life: essential.Valentina is a teacher,...

Reasons I don't like most textbooks (3)

You have to be in ELT to get this...Whenever I go to a conference book stand or book fair I'm not looking for the almost exact replica of the book I want to replace. I am looking for something better.It...

The Globality of English

In response to Elizabeth's call for a summary of the English Language Learners statistics in her comments of my Reasons I mostly don't like textboooks2... coupled with my guilt about the back-log of unfinished...

Sandy McManus on Melanie Butler

I can't really say that there is a glass ceiling in ELT- much more of a 'Pink Ceiling', especially if you work for the British Council!I would say that more than half of my bosses in the field of education...

Why aren't you using technology in your classes?

A cyber-mate of mine is doing some research into teachers' attitudes to using technology...so I was wondering if you wouldn't mind leaving me your thoughts on the main reasons that you're not using laptops,...

Reasons I don't like most text books (2)

cultural incompatibilityIf we were to do a demographic poll of all textbooks written for the TEFL industry in the last 25 years, then we would probably find out that an outstanding majority have been...

Jeremy Day on Vicki Hollett's Opportunities & Objectives

The ‘she in ELT’ who has had the biggest impact on me – Vicki Hollett.I’ve never met Vicki face to face, so I’m afraid this piece will be more technical than personal. As you’ll see, I’m a bit obsessive...

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