Looking backwards to go forwards (EduBlogging)

updated 31Jan2011 ALTERNATIVE TITLE FOR THIS POSTING... Staring into one's navel to remove lint... If you've not set up Google Analytics and Webmaster tools for your blog, do do this as soon as possible. This...

TED videos for Business English, Part I (Making Decisions)

Vicki Hollett recently mentioned a trouble I often hear being voiced by teachers who are trying to source samples of high quality, authentic Non-Native-English-Speakers speaking English and my tip, of...

Why I use Premium HootSuite for Twitter

There are major advantages and major disadvantages to being followed on Twitter by a large audience. There was a time, when I first began tweeting, that I thought the ideal number of people to interact ...

Wondering how to keep on top of all the #TEFL blog posts??

Follow @BloggersELT on Twitter Become a Fan of BloggersELT on Facebook Read through the archived posts and tweets on Delicious That's how! This feed includes blogs about all issues involved...

Compliments, Praise and Insincerity

I was reading through Cool Cat's great post on the fact, it seems, according to New York Times,  that college students these days would rather have a compliment than a pizza or... get this, sex. Now,...

How important is the web 2.0 for your career in education?

A wee spot of fun last night wound up leading to some really rather interesting results... and one has to ask, given the almost sku-wiff nature of these, if these statistics are really only due to these...

I'm Baaa-ck

Did ya miss me?  Hope so :-).  This was post was supposed to go out yesterday but I had a peruse through the 'verse and 'spere and ended up with a rant instead... Soz where have I been? ...

Common Courtesy and Conferences

Well, it's all spinning off again in the Blogosphere and this first post since back from holiday was supposed to be all gooey and soft and all about how I really missed y'all while I chilled out and...

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