The Blogosphere, the Twitterverse (ELT 08/09)

Wrapping up what I wrote, showing the best I've read, linking the twop of the tweets...Summary: Kalinago English August 2009This month, She-in-ELT kicked off with two...

On e-wills and last testaments

When I was 25 I worked aboard a 64ft ketch in Australia as its cook, deckhand and hostess with the mostest.We sailed the Whitsunday isles, dived the Great Barrier reef, swam with tiger sharks at dawn...

Vicki Hollett on Cristina Whitecross

She-in-ELT series - 2Karenne, there are so many inspiring women in TEFL, what about all the ones you're bound to miss?But, actually, I think I have your winner!I am proud to know the most inspiring woman,...

EFL Teacher Progress Check: adult language learners

Somewhere, in one of the training manuals I read a long time ago, I found the steps teachers go through on their way to becoming great instructors and I've got this posted up on my wall for reflection....

The English Language Teacher's Guide To Twitter, tech tip #11

The other day I quickly posted up notes on how to best use Twitter in a couple of the ELT Yahoo!Groups I belong to and one community member wrote and said... er, why isn't this on your blog so we can...

Business English Teachers Conference - Poland, Nov 20-22nd 2009

For the first time ever, the annual BESIG conference will be held outside central Europe and instead will take place in one of Poland's biggest cities - Poznan.Every year the IATEFL Business English SIG...

IATEFL Scholarships 2010 - deadline 18 September 2009!!

Attending something like the IATEFL probably seems like one of those unreachable career objectives.I mean, the cost of the flight, hotels, the conference itself..?We're EFL teachers, money is not exactly...

Water Words (on using images in ESP: Financial English)

One of the absolute best supplementary books to use when teaching banking or financial types is Financial English by Ian MacKenzie. However, despite the absolute wealth of vocabulary it contains, the...

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