Noodle Casserole

Carola's Vegetarian Casserole I'm sure most of you already do this, especially if you're an ESOL teacher with lots of students from all over the world, but just in case you haven't yet - sharing students'...

Google for teaching adults how to describe statistics

Google is just so useful, isn't it?  But did you know that you can get your adult Business English students looking for their own data, specifically relevant to their own interests, projects and...

15 Top Tweets in #TEFL: 2010-Aug-16

Links I've recently favourited, visited, enjoyed and/or recommend in some way... Teaching English as a Foreign Language:   Pedagogy /Methodology/Linguistics  .bbpBox{background:url(


The last couple of weeks have been ridiculously busy: both professionally and personally and I have hardly had a moment to come up for air.  Lots of life being juggled and lots of balls falling......

Happiness is...

 1.  the surprising, unexpected, acts of kindness from strangers.   You are a very beautiful person, Miss ALiCe_M : I love my picture, it's going into my happy-memories-box 2. ...

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