Noah's Ark

It's time for a role-play: Student A: turn to page 61 Student B: turn to page 64 It is somehow assumed that in all classrooms, all over the world, wherever there are people learning English that their...

On Blog Rolls (EduBlogging)

After setting up a blog and writing the very first post, one of the first things one generally does next is to have a look around at other Edu-blogs for tips on layout and widgets, style and feel, and...

Paradigm Shift, what paradigm shift?

I had something very different scheduled for today.(I am now blogging on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays). However a little while ago I followed a link from a brand new follower on Twitter, Tilly Harrison,...

Another post on motivation

In the ELTchat last week, a few tweeters raised the issue of grades being motivating for students... and I mentioned that I'm not a fan of them myself. In fact, pretty much, quite passionately, I hate...

I'm Two

No, this post isn't a reference to my schizophrenic tweeting as kalinagoenglish and BloggerELT.  ;-) Although everyone who should know this, knows that it is social meDIA not social MEdia, bloggers...

The culture of the DM inbox

For those of you who aren't sure what a DM is, the letters refer to the private messaging service on Twitter, the Direct Message For the most part, ever since I've been on the site, it's been mainly...

Mobile Phones + English Language Learning - ya what?

Today, while waiting for my S-bahn to arrive to take me to classes out of the city centre, I observed a young man sporting a heavy backpack, carrying a cup of coffee in one hand and a small, sleek, black...

29 Top Tweets in #TEFL 2010-Sept-08

Add caption It's been a busy summer I tell ya, I've hardly had a spare minute to do the thing I love most... i.e. blogging and hanging out on Social Media.  Nevertheless, after a week of spending...

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