In a rant, several weeks back I emphasized my thoughts on how I really, simply, can't see how mobile phones and language learning/teaching are ever going to lie in a bed together... partly because...
Foxy Voxy: #mlearning meets motivation in language teaching
- 31.10.10
- 4
Follow these tags to find more of the same: motivation, smartphones, student centered teaching, teaching-english, tech-tips-4-ELTeachers, TwIT, using new media and technology ESL
Follow these tags to find more of the same: motivation, smartphones, student centered teaching, teaching-english, tech-tips-4-ELTeachers, TwIT, using new media and technology ESL
Google Docs for Focusing on Form: dogme 2.0
- 29.10.10
- 7
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme style tips, dogme20, google-apps
Along with encouraging co-construction and emergent language, the practice of dogme calls for, via scaffolding, there be a focus a form and one of my favourite tools to help me meet this objective in...
Dogme Blog Challenge #4 Being Light
- 28.10.10
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme-blog-challenge
Dogme is about teaching
materials light.
Luke Meddings & Scott Thornbury, Teaching Unplugged, Delta Teacher Development Series, 2009.
What does it mean to us as teachers to go into...
Dogme Blog Challenge #3 The Scaffolding
- 21.10.10
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme-blog-challenge, dogmeme
The teacher's primary function,
apart from promoting the kind of classroom dynamic conducive to a dialogic and emergent pedagogy
is to optimize language learning affordances,by directing...
The Easiest Speaking Game in the World
- 20.10.10
- 33
Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme style tips, how-to-teach-speaking, student centered teaching
Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme style tips, how-to-teach-speaking, student centered teaching

That's it really.
Draw this on the board or on a big piece of paper or click on the photograph and print that out....
The first few times you play this game, put a subject in the middle circle e.g....
Let's sell a car...
- 19.10.10
- 7
Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme style tips, drama, speaking, student centered teaching, supplementing textbooks, teaching-english
Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme style tips, drama, speaking, student centered teaching, supplementing textbooks, teaching-english
I get it, I do, that in a lot of cultures this particular picture would be shocking.
So I'm not going to ask the ELT publishers to be so incredibly radical as to include something like this...
Teaching English Online: Tara Benwell and MyEC
- 16.10.10
- 2
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: blended-learning, e-communities, e-tivities, edtech, teaching-english, TEFL, TwIT

I was just going through some of the great sessions from the Virtual Round Table last week to catch up on what I'd missed and while on over there, saw a posting about one of the sessions I did attend...
Not a Drop to Drink (Blog Action Day)
- 15.10.10
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: blog-action-day
Although I have already written about water in terms of teaching English in
Water Words (using images in Financial English)
The price of water in airports (talking about things that make you/your students...
Dogme Blog Challenge #2 It's Emergent?
- 14.10.10
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: dogme-blog-challenge, dogmeme

If learners are supplied with optimal conditions for language use,
and are motivated to take advantage of these opportunities,
their inherent learning capacities will be activated,
Running towards TEFL
- 12.10.10
- 10
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: teaching-english
A long time ago I had a conversation with a 'normal' school teacher who said TEFL teachers are all weirdos, people who are running away from something...
It gave me pause. When she said it like...
Schooling the world

Sometimes I can't help but wonder if we know what we are doing...
And whether or not, we care...
If our 'way' has to be the only way.
If what makes us happy has to be the thing which makes everyone...
Dogme Blog Challenge #1 Co-construction
- 7.10.10
- 10
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: #DBC, #DBC01, dogme-blog-challenge
Materials-mediated teaching is the 'scenic' route to learning,
but the direct route
is located in the interactivity between teachers and learners, and between the learners themselves.
The Dogme Challenge: Introduction
- 6.10.10
- 4
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Follow these tags to find more of the same: #DBC, dogme, dogme-blog-challenge
The other day, Jeremy Harmer wrote the following on Andrew Pickle's blog post:
Andrew,Nice lesson. Good use of vocabulary and students’ imagination.
Course I don’t want to rile Luke and Scott (again!!)...
How's my job different from yours?
- 5.10.10
- 9
Follow these tags to find more of the same: Business-English, dogme style tips, e-tivities, how-to-teach-speaking, lesson-tips
Follow these tags to find more of the same: Business-English, dogme style tips, e-tivities, how-to-teach-speaking, lesson-tips
Sean Banville's excellent blog post questions the practice of teaching adverbs of frequency with things like how often do you brush your teeth or surf the 'net and for the most part I do agree with him...
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