Personally, speaking

I received an excellent question via email about a month ago and it made me sit, think and try to work out how to give a reply worthy of the value in the q'. There's nothing harder than having to analyze...

Politics, power and the media

What an amazing picture!Don't they look like they're great friends here, discussing a project or working out how best to get things done - together?Well, as we all know, they're not friends.They're opponents...

Fatally Financial

The messages of doom and gloom slither out of every corner of the newspapers.Your students cautiously mention that their companies aren't doing so well this year.How did it happen? How'd we get in this...

The McMaster and Commander

As I promised, I've still got to update you on the other two workshops I attended at ELTAF 2008 teacher-training conference! So am back...Both workshops dealt with the issues of globalization and their...

Company secrets

Following on from my post about Facebook vs Twitter, the privacy or lack thereof when one chooses to place one's photo albums, private thoughts and messages to friends in a public space, I somehow got...

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