Recent postings 2010-05

Here in Germany, summer keeps threatening to arrive, peeping through gray clouds with random slivers of sunshine somehow explaining why that idiom about silver linings was invented, yet unfortunately...

Cartoon Videos in Business and Financial English

With all the hullabaloo going on in Europe, Greece first and now Italy plus wherever's next by the time this post is actually published... because according to my students it was always going to be a...

33 Top Tweets in #TEFL: 2010-May-23

Links I recently favourited, visited, enjoyed and/or recommend in some way... Teaching English as a Foreign Language:   Issues/News in our industry .bbpBox{background:url(

Bottom Up vs Top Down English Language Teaching

They're really not getting it. They think coursebooks can be student-centered. Well, let me see if I can make it the slightest bit clearer:  if you walk into class with an objective that is anything...

The Inverted Eagle: A Student's Book Review

I'm super proud to offer you my very first guest post on this blog from one of my students: Martina R. Back Story:   On January 21st, Adam Gray and Marcos Benevides released the World's First...

Squeezing the joy out of a thing

Darren Elliot, the blogger behind Lives of Teacher is one of my fave edu-bloggers but he was a complete meanie the other day - he told me, in his comments, that basically it wasn't cool  to keep...

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